| 1. | A man of moral integrity never resorts to deception . 明人不做暗事。 |
| 2. | Criminals frequently, however, resort to devices . 然而犯罪分子经常采取对策。 |
| 3. | The resort to air charters turned out to be a fiasco . 采用包租飞机的办法完全失败。 |
| 4. | I got revenge without resorting to violence . 我在不采取暴力的情况下已经报仇雪恨了。 |
| 5. | The expansionists are fond of resorting to blood and iron . 扩张主义者喜欢滥用武力。 |
| 6. | They resorted to various expedients to get the money together . 他们采取各种权宜之计筹款。 |
| 7. | In applying any method one must resort to the computer . 在应用任何方法时都必须依靠计算机。 |
| 8. | His table was resorted to by all the luxurious feasters . 他的餐桌时常坐满了穷奢极侈的客人。 |
| 9. | Firms commonly resort to various forms of nonprice competition . 厂商经常采取各种形式的非价格竞争。 |
| 10. | They resorted to sarcasm irony, invective and self-praise . 他们求助于使用挖苦、讽刺、谩骂和自吹自擂。 |